If you wish to use a cell phone purchased abroad in Chile, you must register it in the system so that it can operate permanently in Chile with a local SIM Card.
If you wish to use a cell phone purchased abroad in Chile, you must register it in the system so that it can operate permanently in Chile with a local SIM Card.
The Administrative Enrollment is an exception for individuals who bought a cell phone outside Chile for their personal use.
The Administrative Enrollment is free, as long as it is not more than one (1) phone per natural person per year, and as long as the Certifying Company does not exceed 2% of the annual registrations (of IMEIs) entered into the system.
Additional Administrative Enrollment Fee $10,000 clp, in this case, you will be informed by e-mail of the cost and payment form (electronic transfer).
The Administrative Enrollment is an exception for foreigners who want to use their phone with a Sim Card from a local company.
Enroll your device hereRegistration of the series (IMEI) in the centralized database for those devices that meet the basic requirements to be in this category, such as:
is $10.000 clp per device. If you are interested, please send us an email to administrativa@lbtechnology-la.com with the following documentation:
We will evaluate your request and respond with bank details if applicable. (The device will be registered the same day)